Friday, October 3, 2008

Hello All!

Well yet again I have fallen behind on my updates so hold on here we go...

I can't believe that Mia will be 3 in three months! How times fly's! She is know in school everyday for 3 hours a day. She loves it and she is starting to really blossom. Everyday she is saying and learning something new. She loves all her new friends.
She seems to know that her little sister Emma is in mommy's belly but, we don't know how well she really comprehends it.

My pregnancy is going well so far. I'm 33.5 weeks pregnant and counting. I am starting to get tired a lot faster these days. I'm carrying so much lower with this pregnancy then what I did with Mia. It's definitely taking a toll on me. In about 5 weeks I will get an ultrasound to try and estimate how big little miss Emma is. Depending on those results, they may or may not induce me early. (I'm not holding my breath but, it sure would be nice!)

School is going well for me. I only have 6 classes left and I will finally be done! THE END IS IN SIGHT!!

Kevin started his school in June and is doing really well so far. He is doing a great job trying to juggle everyday life, work, his family, and his school work. We appreciate him and all that he does for us. He really has been working his tail end off lately.
He has also had a lot of new business coming in for websites and stuff. That's something he has to juggle as well. Sometimes it gets a little overwhelming for him because people demand things done at certain times and they don't get the fact (or they just don't care) that he has another job. Hes doing very well with it all.

Well, I think that's about it for now. Until next time....

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